From Carpe Noctem
Auspex is a Discipline that grants vampires supernatural senses.
Successes | Standard Powers | Description |
● | Heightened Senses | Raise one of your five senses to superhuman levels |
● | Ancestors' Vigilance | Raise one of your five senses and perceive ghosts |
●● | An Ear for Lies | Know when someone lies to you |
●● | Aura Perception | Learn various qualities of a person from their aura |
●● | Sense Vibrations | Learn the most intense emotion of a person |
●●● | Artist's Intent | Learn details of an artist's state of mind in relation to a piece of art |
●●● | The Spirit's Touch | Learn something of an object and its previous owner from its resonance |
●●● | Spirit Ties | Learn something about a target from residues of its tissue |
●●●● | Telepathy | Briefly probe someone's mind or project a telepathic message to them |
●●●● | Ancestors' Insight | Briefly probe someone's mind, project a telepathic message or plant a foreign thought in the mind of the target |
●●●●● | Psychic Projection | Free your mind to travel the world in astral form |
●●●●● | Spirit Travel | Project your mind into one of the spiritual realms |