Idle Policy
From Carpe Noctem
All characters who remain idle for 30 days will be added to the game's idle list and moved into the Freezer. Staff will make a single post on the 1st of every month announcing that the idle list has been refreshed. Players can check the list by typing '+Idle PCs'. After 60 days, all characters frozen for inactivity will be nuked.
- Players should remember to bank any XP they will want to use, as the bank commands will not work in the idle freezer.
- At any time a player may retire a character and bank their XP. This is done through the commands found in '+Help XP'.
- The exceptions to the above policy are characters who idle in CG without completing the process. These characters are nuked after 30 days without notice.
- To avoid being placed on the idle list, players who will be gone for longer than 30 days should notify staff by posting on the vacations board and setting themselves '+Set/Me Vacations'.