House Rules: Psychic Numina

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Psychic Numina Cap

  • Contrary to the book, CN has ruled that player must select (1) Primary Numina as their focus in chargen. At no point can any additional Numina ever be equal to or higher than their Primary numina value. Players may purchase additional Numina in a sequential tiered order, with no additional numina ever outranking or equaling the level of the Numina purchased prior.
  • Example: Sam has wishes to purchase Telekinesis as their Primary Numina and raises it to '3'. Sam later learns Cyberkinesis. However, Sam may never raise Cyberkinesis higher than 2 as long as Telekinesis remains at level 3. If Sam raises their Telekinesis to '5', Sam can eventually raise their Cyberkinesis to '4'. However, Sam will never be able to raise Cyberkinesis any higher than '4'. If Sam later purchases Pyrokinesis, the max level that Sam can ever achieve for Pyrokinesis would be '3' -- providing that their Telekinesis is at '5' and Cyberkinesis is at '4'.